Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Notebook Computers

Notebook Computers
Not so long ago notebook computers were expensive, heavy and reserved for a small portion of computer users, no longer. Today’s notebooks are lighter, less expensive and can be as fully featured as their stuck on your desk counterparts. A little knowledge can be helpful if you are considering making the leap to the convenience of a portable computer.

What are your computer needs? Notebook computers, sometimes referred to as laptop computers, just like desktop computers can be configured for a variety of purposes. Will you be using your notebook primarily for business? If so, are you heavily into word processing or spreadsheets or is your work directed toward graphics? Do you need to be connected to the internet for research and/or communication? Maybe you want a notebook mainly to enjoy games or movies? Make an inventory of your computer use priorities, such a list will help you determine which notebook computer is right for you.
Once you have ascertained what you want out of a notebook computer it’s time to make a list of the options your machine will need.
* Processors and RAM – A 20 gigabyte hard drive and an Intel Pentium Mobile processor with 2.8 gigahertz of speed will handle the needs of most computer users quite well. Gamers will need at least 526 megabytes of RAM. If you will be opening large files or having several files open at once you might want to consider a full gig of RAM.
* Screen size – A 13 inch screen with a resolution of 1024 x 768 should do the trick for most notebook computer users. Notebook users who are mainly interested in gaming or movie watching or professionals using graphics programs will probably want as large a screen as possible and may want to add a graphics card.
